Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Arizona Wildflowers/social nudism

Arizona Wildflowers is one of the largest travel clubs (aka: non-landed) in AANR, with over 150 adult members.. We began in 1980 as a small group of friends, but are now a proprietary club. If you feel that your concepts of social nudism are in agreement with ours, we would welcome you to join our group for a pool party or a campout, a potluck, or a special event.
Membership in Arizona Wildflowers costs $68.50 per year per couple or $38 per single for basic membership in the AANR/AANR West. If you have already paid this through another affiliated club, you needn't pay it again. In addition, couples pay $35 per year for one address or $40 per year for two addresses. Singles pay an additional $25. You do not have to commit yourself to membership until your third visit. Each address receives a monthly copy of the Daisy Dispatch, our newsletter, which outlines the scheduled events for the month and supplies information on how to reach the location of the activity.

We maintain an Activity Fund to defray the costs of our parties. Each time an adult attends a function, he/she will be expected to contribute $2 to this fund.

We welcome your children, and we do not ask any financial contribution on your part for them. We encourage them to take part in our activities, as well as the activities of the junior AANR and the junior AANR West.

Your guests are welcome as long as they understand the philosophy of the group and are willing to take the same responsibility toward the group as you do. Please do not invite or give information about the group to anyone that you do not personally know and would vouch for. If there is any doubt, ask the person to write the club for information.
SITE: http://www.azwildflower.com/
To contact us:

Arizona Wildflowers

P.O. Box 26465

Phoenix, AZ 85068

E-Mail: azwild@azwildflower.com

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